Sky Ships Over Cashiers

This page was last updated 1/29/17

2016 Health and Safety

Health and Safety Archives 2014 archive   2015 archive
> Therapist reveals a cause and cure for phobias
> Watch as marijuana calms man's Parkinson's tremors
> Have a cell phone? If so look at this
> Simple way to monitor UV radiation where you live
> Kristofferson's back - has Lyme disease not Alzheimer's
> Doctor claims chemo kills NOT cancer
> Wipeout of bees - devastating to humans
> Medical marijuana: cure for girl's severe epilepsy
> Walgreens just got into the marijuana business
> Formula for healing gel came miraculously
> Peanut butter test for Alzheimer's Disease












Therapist reveals a cause and cure for phobias
By Mary Joyce, website editor


Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of something

There literally are 100s of phobias.  Common ones are fear of being trapped or confined in a small space (claustrophobia), fear of heights (acrophobia) and fear of thunderstorms (brontophobia).

According to Trutz Hardo, an internationally recognized regression therapist, an irrational phobia typically is the result of a trauma experienced in a previous life.

A person with claustrophobia may have been locked in a tiny prison cell in a previous life. A person with acrophobia may have fallen to his death from a high cliff.  A person with brontophobia may have died on a battlefield midst deafening sounds of cannons and guns.

During his past life regression research, Hardo found phobias often are expressed at a very young age.  In his book “Children Who Have Lived Before,” Hardo writes about a five-year-old boy who sobbed so inconsolably during a Fourth of July fireworks display that the family had to leave. In other situations where there was excessive noise, the boy would scream hysterically.

Hardo said it only took one simple regression for the boy to describe his life as a soldier and how he died on a battlefield.  Remarkably, the boy’s phobia vanished after that.





man ali and fox

Pope John Paul II, Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox are three
of the most recognized people who have been hit with Parkinson’s Disease.

Watch as marijuana calms man’s Parkinson’s tremors

CLICK HERE to see a two minute video of a man’s severe Parkinson’s Disease tremors being quickly subdued with a small pinch of marijuana used in a vaporizer.  The man’s transformation is a good visual testimony for the legalization of medical marijuana use.




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Have a cell phone? If so look at this

The majority of people are right-handed and hold their cell phone to their right ear.
 That’s the side of the head where most brain cancers develop.

“More children and adults under the age of 40
die of a brain tumour than from any other cancer.”
 - Brain Tumour Research Center in the UK

Dr. Lennart Hardell (R) is professor in oncology and cancer epidemiology at the University Hospital in Orebro, Sweden. Most of his research has been on the risk factors for cancer with exposure to such things as pesticides, dioxins, PCBs and flame retardants.

In recent years, he and his co-workers have studied the risk of brain tumors for those who use cellular and cordless telephones.


In their 2015 study, they found that three independent, case-controlled studies showed long-term use of cell phones increases the risk for glioma (brain) cancer. The only research to examine cordless phone use also found an increase of brain cancer with long-term use.

These studies include data from 13 nations: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and the UK.

After ten years of wireless phone use, the risk of glioma cancer doubles and after 25 years, the brain cancer risk triples.

Ways to protect yourself from cell phone radiation

USE THE SPEAKER ON YOUR CELL PHONE - Holding a cell phone to your ear exposes your salivary glands to electromagnetic frequencies. Research has shown a four-fold increase in cancer of the parotid gland from 1970 to 2006. The parotid gland is located closest to the cheek.

KEEP PHONE AWAY FROM YOUR BODY - Do not keep your cell phone next to your body or in your bra.  If you carry your cell phone in a pocket, keep it set on airplane mode. Keep phone 12-15 inches away from your body when texting.

USE A WIRED HEADSET – This will reduce radiation, but some may still travel through the wire. Consider attaching a ferrite bead to the wire which will absorb more of the radiation.

TURN PHONE OFF MORE OFTEN – No radiation is emitted when the phone is turned off.

SEEK BEST CELL PHONE RECEPTION - Whenever possible, use your cell phone only when you have five bars. Cell phones with better reception transmit at lower power.

GET RADIATION PROTECTIVE DEVICE(S) – There are devices that can be worn around the neck or attached to your phone to help shield you from electromagnetic radiation.  When shopping for such a product, compare SAR (specific absorption rate) values.

LIMIT BLUETOOTH USE - If you must use a Bluetooth headset, remove it as soon as you complete your call. Also, consider using a special headset call Blue Tube.  It uses an air tube instead of a wire which reduces radiation emissions.

USE OTHER MEANS OF COMMUNICATION - When possible, use a landline or Skype.

PROTECT YOURSELF WHILE SLEEPING – Put your phone on airplane mode or keep it on the other side of the bedroom at night.






Simple way to monitor UV radiation where you live


If you think the sun is more intense, you’re right.  When we checked the ultraviolet radiation levels on July 30, 2016, the entire United States was experiencing very high or extremely high levels.

That means a fair skin person will burn with just 12 to 15 minutes of sun exposure.  Beyond the burn, exposure to the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., is the main cause of skin cancer and wrinkles. – The editor

Ultraviolet levels can vary from hour to hour, day to day and season to season.  You can monitor levels where you live by typing in the name of your city at





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Kris Krstofferson is regarded as one of the great songwriters.  Hundreds of musical artists
have recorded his songs including  Johnny Cash, Janis Joplin and Elvis Presley.

Kristofferson’s back – has Lyme disease not Alzheimer’s
By Mary Joyce, website editor

Kris Kristofferson is back. He doesn’t have mind-robbing Alzheimer’s disease after all. Misdiagnosed!  Instead he has Lyme disease which, though difficult, can be treated.

According to a June 6, 2016 “Rolling Stone” magazine article, “For years, doctors had been telling Kristofferson that his increasingly debilitating memory loss was due to either Alzheimer's or to dementia. . . . Some days, Kristofferson couldn't even remember what he was doing from one moment to the next. . . .

“Then, earlier this year, a doctor decided to test Kristofferson for Lyme disease. The test came back positive. His wife believes he picked it up from a tick as he crawled around the forest floor in Vermont for six weeks while filming the movie ‘Disappearances.’”

Kristofferson’s experience might help others.

There may be some who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease but who actually have Lyme disease like Kristofferson. 

As for everyone else, beware of ticks which are the carriers of Lyme disease. Learn to identify them and learn how to protect yourself from their nasty bites. 


The really creepy side of Lyme disease:  After World War II, the U.S. government brought approximately 2,000 Nazi specialists into the United States under a program called Project Paperclip.  One of those men was Erich Traub whose expertise was infecting ticks and mosquitoes with biological germs.  He was put to work on biological weapons research at the Animal Disease Center on Plum Island which is immediately south of Old Lyme, Connecticut.  The first case of the disease occurred in 1975 in Old Lyme – thus the name. It is widely believed Lyme disease originated from biological experiments on Plum Island.

map of plum island traub

The red marker points to Plum Island, Connecticut. The photo is of Erich Traub who was chief
of the Nazi's leading bio-weapons facility before being brought to the United States.





Doctor claims chemo kills NOT cancer

EDITOR’S NOTE:  The following article was written by Erin Elizabeth (R), a long-time activist with a passion for the healing arts and founder of Her site is only two years old and already is among the top 20 natural health sites in the world. For those who are into natural health, in her private life, she is Dr. Joseph Mercola’s partner. We’ve added the boldface type.


June 22, 2016 – Sadly, recent stats say that around 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer in their lifetimes. This truth is even tougher to swallow when you realize the way we “treat” the disease is not only ineffective but makes the symptoms of the disease worse. In fact, according to Berkeley doctor Hardin B. Jones, a former professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley, CHEMO DOESN’T WORK. In fact, he says it’s a sham.

In his studies over the last 25 years he’s come to the conclusion that chemotherapy does more harm than good. And this realization has prompted Dr. Jones to speak out against the billion-dollar cancer industry:

People who refused chemotherapy treatment live on average 12 and a half years longer than people who are undergoing chemotherapy.

People who accepted chemotherapy die within three years of diagnosis; a large number dies immediately after a few weeks.

His study was published in the “New York Academy of Science.”  According to Dr. Jones, doctors only prescribe chemotherapy because they make money from it. And the accusation doesn’t seem unreasonable - an average cancer treatment costs between $300,000 and $1,000,000.


He goes on to say, “Patients with breast cancer who reject conventional therapy live four times longer than those who follow the system. So this is something that you will not hear in the mass media, which will continue to carry the myth that the best chemotherapy drug in the fight against cancer!”

Even though we spend more on healthcare than any other high-income nation in the world, at $8,713 per capita, our life expectancy is only 78.8 years. This may have to do with the fact that the mainstream media and the allopathic healthcare system . . . don’t teach people about the importance of PREVENTATIVE medicine.

Eating a healthy diet, exercise, removing stress, and enjoying our lives and others – all habits which give joy – have all been proven to improve health, longevity, and happiness. They are all part of the cure.

Not to mention all the other powerful natural medicines, like cannabis oil, that we can use.
Since there is no money in a healthy population, we will continue to see disease thrive - all the while being fed by fast food and drugs on a continuous loop. But, we can jump off that ride, educate ourselves and our loved ones, and live healthy lives. . .






Wipeout of bees - devastating to humans

EDITOR’S NOTE:  The following information was gleaned from articles posted by the Center for Food Safety.

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Bees are responsible for every one in three bites of food we eat,
so we can’t afford to keep losing them.

● According to the United Nations Environment Program, of the 100 crop varieties that provide 90% of the world’s food, 71 are pollinated by bees.

● According to a government sponsored survey, on average, beekeepers reported 51.1% annual hive losses during the winter of 2013/14, with 66% of all beekeepers reporting higher losses than they deemed acceptable. Today, many beekeepers continue to report annual losses of 40-50%, with some as high as 100%.

Why are the bees dying?  Pesticides containing a class of chemicals called NEONICOTINOIDS are the #1 killer of bees and other pollinators.

● The Center for Food Safety lists 68 pesticide products that contain a class of chemicals called NEONICOTINOIDS which includes Imidacloprid, Clothianidin, Thiamethoxam, Dinotefuran and Acetamiprid.


The pesticide industry is doing everything it can to protect its profits. We know the EPA is hearing from Bayer, Syngenta, and other major agro-chemical companies that spend millions of dollars on PR campaigns to shift the blame away from pesticides — despite a wealth of research linking pesticides to bee declines.

● While the U.S. has thus far avoided taking meaningful action to protect honey bees and other pollinators, the international community is more proactive — with numerous countries imposing suspensions and restrictions on the use of NEONICOTINOIDS.







Mia Wilkinson with her parents after her marijuana miracle

Medical marijuana: cure for girl’s severe epilepsy

EDITOR’S NOTE:  This article is from the website The Medical Marijuana Headquarters.
It features a girl who had debilitating and life-threatening epileptic seizures.

For people who believe that medical marijuana cannot help those who are seriously ill, the numerous amounts of patients who are using medical marijuana to relieve suffering should help change their opinion.

Of special note are children who suffer from life-threatening diseases, and who cannot find relief through the doctor prescribed drugs.

One specific example is Mia Wilkinson who was born with Ohtahara Syndrome, which is a rare form of epilepsy that typically leaves its victims dead or severely disabled.

Mia, who is only eight years old, had suffered around 100 seizures a day for many of the past months.

Mia’s mom, Sarah Wilkinson, was desperate for any type of help that would reduce her daughter’s number of seizures, some of them lasting as long as 22 hours.

Wilkinson states that her husband had just about run out of options and thought that “It’s not fair to her.”  They had gone through dozens and dozens of drugs and procedures, but the seizures didn’t stop.

When Wilkinson heard that marijuana might be an option, she did not believe that it was medicine at all. She assumed it was just for people wanting to get high.

But they had heard that it had shown some promise for epileptic patients, even though none of them were as young as their daughter.

So with much trepidation, they decided to give it a go.

The results were simply miracle like . . . “Within 24 hours her seizures stopped,” Wilkinson said.

Mia’s EEG (test) was comparable to someone with benign form of epilepsy.”  That had never happened before.

Doctors are still confounded on how the marijuana is making such amazing effects.

And the amazing effects don’t stop there.

Sarah Wilkinson says that her daughter has even started to talk; something that she wasn’t able to do before introducing marijuana to her system.





Walgreens just got into the marijuana business

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was published May 3, 2016 by Jeff Siegel, publisher and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks which is an independent investment research service focusing primarily on alternative investments.

Last year, Walgreens did $103.4 billion in net sales.

With more than 8,000 stores in all 50 states, it’s actually the largest drug retail chain in  the nation.  And last week it did something that even I didn’t see coming.

On one of its social networking blogs, Walgreens made a bold move.  It came out in support of medical marijuana.  Well kind of.

In a blog that was posted on Walgreens’ Tumblr account, entitled “Clarifying Clinical Cannabis,” you can find this:

Research has also shown marijuana provides pain relief in ways traditional pain medicines don’t.  Medical marijuana can improve appetite and relive nausea in those who have cancer and it may help relieve symptoms such as muscle stiffness in people who have multiple sclerosis.


For a company that makes billions by selling conventional pharmaceuticals, this is a bit of a break from the Big Pharma machine that relies on companies like Walgreens to fill prescriptions.

The Walgreens piece even goes as far as listing some of the common uses for medical marijuana including:

          ● Cancer pain management
          ● Parkinson’s disease
          ● Tourette’s syndrome
          ● Alzheimer’s disease
          ● Schizophrenia
          ● Cardiovascular disorder
          ● Palliative care
          ● Glaucoma 

Although subtle in manner, the blog actually has a pretty positive tone.  So the question is, why would Walgreens do this?  Why would it even bring up the benefits of medical marijuana?  Does it know something we don’t?

Truth be told, it looks to me like Walgreens just got into the medical marijuana business. 

$10 billion up for grabs

Last month, GW Pharmaceuticals soared 130% in one day after announcing positive phase III trial results for cannabis-based epilepsy drug. . . . if more FDA approvals come for cannabis-based medication, drug retailers would be in a position to provide medical marijuana to their customers. 

And let’s face it:  there’s a lot of money at stake here. . . .  




Formula for healing gel came miraculously
By Mary Joyce, website editor

I wouldn’t be posting this information if I hadn’t gotten an inch and a half gash on my arm that peeled back like the lid of a sardine can.  On day three it was still oozing.  It looked like I’d be left with a pirate-like scar.

Then on day four, I applied a gel that’s being used at the Great Smokies Medical Center in Asheville, NC.  That same day, the wound closed and the purple color began to diminish.  By day seven, the gash had been reduced to a hairline.  Today, day nine, I’m still applying the gel daily because it looks like the scar might completely disappear.

The gel, Miracle II, has its own miracle story.  Here it is in the words of Clayton Tedeton (R), the man who created the healing gel as well as soap and moisturizing cream.  He put the words he attributes to God in all capital letters.

“It was God who gave me the formula for the Amazing Miracle II Soap. I awoke one night in July1980, to see names of minerals all miraculously flashed on my bedroom wall, along with the formulas on how to mix them.

“I had been talking to God and He was talking to me. My wife would hear me talking and would ask, ‘Clayton, what in the world is going on?’ And I would tell her, ‘I don't know, I cannot explain to you what is happening in my life.’


“I talked to God and He said,

“One day later at 1:00 a.m., the formulation for Miracle II was miraculously flashed on my bedroom wall. The days following this I began to assemble and mix this product. The voice of God told me what to name it and how to package it.

“As time passed and all this time the voice of the Lord was saying, ‘IT'S TIME TO GO TO WORK.’ At this time, I did not know exactly what to do.

“In December 1980, I talked to the Lord and said, ‘I have got to have instructions so that this product can be used.’ A day later the Lord instructed me to take some of this product to a woman and tell her to use it for everything. I did not know the lady at this time. After three days, she called me and said, ‘Every time I use this product, the strangest things happen to me, I'm going to have to pray about this.’

“On the 17th day of April 1982 at 9:00 a.m., the lady called me and said, ‘Mr. Tedeton, for the last two months the Lord has instructed me to write a set of instructions for that product that you brought me. When can you come and pick them up.’  That day I picked up the instructions and that same day the voice (which I know to have been God), said ‘YOU CAN RECEIVE WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS DESIRED - CONTENTMENT AND PEACE IN YOUR SOUL.’"

NOTE:  For more information, go to





Peanut butter test for Alzheimer's Disease

EDITOR’S NOTE:  The following article was first published by the Cleveland Clinic’s Brain and Spine Team on October 29, 2015.

Peanut butter. Creamy or crunchy – and oh, so spreadable – but not exactly your first thought as a game changer in Alzheimer’s research.

But it may well be, according to researchers at the University of Florida who conducted the peanut butter smell test hoping to find a relationship between loss of smell and the detection of early-stage Alzheimer’s.

They were able to use the test to confirm an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. But they would like to be able to predict which patients are going to get Alzheimer’s disease.


Peanut butter smell test: the lowdown

So what exactly does a peanut butter smell test consist of?

     ●  Each person begins with closed eyes and mouth and they even close up one of their

     ●  A researcher opens a jar of peanut butter and stands a good distance from each
         person, coming closer to the person until he or she can smell the peanut butter.

     ●  The researcher measures this distance.

     ●  The process is repeated using the other nostril after a 90-second break.

     ●  During testing, the research group is not aware of which people in the study had been
         diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

What researchers found is peculiar. The sense of smell in the left nostril specifically was severely impaired in the tested group who already had early-stage Alzheimer’s.

In order for people to smell the peanut butter through their left nostril, the container had to be an average of 10 centimeters (4 inches) closer to the nose than for the right nostril.

“This is a significant part of this study,” says Dylan Wint, MD, who works in the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health.

 “There is a lot of research showing Alzheimer-related brain shrinkage starting on the left side of the brain, which is where the temporal lobe degenerates first.”




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Cashiers, NC 28717