Sky Ships Over Cashiers
Sky Ship Messages

This page was last updated 9/23/11

2009 Sky Skip Messages

EDITOR’S NOTE: Brief excerpts from the Sky Ship Messages have been listed below. Click on the date to read the complete message.

Dec 16, 2009 - Mad scientists created spiral of light over Norway

Nov 30, 2009 - Earth's Safety Net (photos included)

Nov 26, 2009 - Virgin of Guadeloupe statue with the blinking eyes

Nov 20, 2009 - The Grand Global Expectation

Nov 13, 2009 - Who's holding up the future?

Nov 4, 2009 - Entertainment media “BOMB” the Light

Oct 25, 2009 – The Real Reason for the UFO Cover-up

Oct 25, 2009 – Flu, Health and Population Growth

Oct 4, 2009 – “That is why so many intelligent species of life from other regions of the universe have congregated in, on and around Earth.”

Sept 28, 2009 – “In order for Earth and humankind to progress more speedily, a working partnership must be established between Earth scientists and their counterparts on the Sky Ships who have come to Earth to assist with its transformation.”

Sept 25, 2009 – “If everyone were to contemplate or meditate upon the Hubble photographs of the universe, they would realize the Creator is truly beyond human comprehension. That is why Angels and advanced Beings of Light are emissaries of the Creator to humankind.” (photos included)

Aug. 18, 2009 “In a similar way, a grandmother sky ship contains mother ships that contain scout ships. . . . What you have dubbed the “blue moon” and documented with fuzzy photos is a mother ship that has been launched from a grandmother ship.” (photos included)

Aug. 11, 2009 “We now wish to make it quite clear that the emphasis of our messages will be upon the blending of cosmic science with cosmic spirituality because the two together are the true reality.”

July 19, 2009 “Mayan prophecies and Planet X prophecies buzz through the global net of communication and disturb the minds of men.”

July 18, 2009 “Miracles are only miracles when the universe is not fully understood. . . . Sky Ships of Light are able to project hologram imagery for the eyes of men to see. This is how larger than life images of holy ones have appeared to mankind.”

June 25, 2009 “Two millennia ago as the Creator’s representative to all of humankind, he appeared to all cultures of people, not just those in a spot of land to the east of the Mediterranean Sea. . . . Though this ambassadorial representative of the Creator lives in what mankind perceives as its future, he has returned again to mankind’s present time and operates from a grand celestial sphere within Earth’s stratosphere.”

May 31, 2009 “We would like to explain what has been dubbed the “blue moon” phenomenon that appears when digital cameras are zoomed in upon the Sun.”

April 10, 2009 “Twice she has observed a materialization of what she calls a spaceman who appeared in a maroon bodysuit and had the shape and height of a human being.”

March 2, 2009 “Space Brothers from many worlds are endeavoring to slowly right the Earth on its axis so that cataclysmic consequences will not result.”

Feb. 19, 2009 “The one who has received the Sky ship messages is not one who has performed like a channeler on stage nor gets remuneration for her efforts. . . . There are many species of space people that have outposts on planet Earth.”

Mad scientists created spiral of light over Norway

December 16, 2009
EDITOR’S NOTE: The night before President Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize in Norway, a large spinning spiral of light was seen in the sky over that country. An article with a photo about the December 9, 2009 phenomenon can be found in the Global Links section of this website.

Mad scientists with gleeful abandonment have for many years been using intensified electromagnetic pulses ostensibly to protect the Earth from the Sun’s energy that no longer is adequately buffered by the ozone shield.

However, the mad scientists also attempt to play God by manipulating weather, by interrupting communication of their perceived enemies and by interfering with cogent thought patterns of human beings. This last form of manipulation is much more experimental than the first two, but it is pursued because the human brain is electromagnetic, too. The mad scientists are gleeful about the possibilities, which they perceive to be endless, to control behavior of masses of people.

The mad scientists with their electromagnetic toys of destruction created the spinning spiral of energy that was seen over much of Norway the night before the President of the United States received his Nobel Peace Prize. On one level this was done to create concern and fear in the masses. It also was done as a show of force to intimidate the President to acquiesce to the grander powers than he.

It would take little research to discover that a HAARP facility is located close to where the spiraling phenomenon appeared. That equipment was deliberately used to project the image in the sky.

It is not your Sky Brothers who should be feared.
It is your own human mad scientists and the
insatiable seekers of world dominance.

Your Sky Brothers

Result of website’s cursory research: According to Richard C. Hoagland, a former museum space science curator and NASA consultant and science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News during the Apollo missions to the moon, there is a Norwegian HAARP facility just over the hill from Tromso, Norway.

Earth’s Safety Net

November 30, 2009

Circle of Hands
There is an invisible energetic safety net that encompasses the Earth but so far only has been used during brief moments of worry and distress. This network is composed of churches, temples, metaphysical organizations and an endless list of civic, cultural, health, environmental and preservation groups whose purpose is to uplift mankind and protect the planet.

If the members of each of these entities would take time to focus their thoughts, each time they gather, upon bathing all creation with the warm and loving energy of the Creator, life on Earth would be transformed.

This might be likened to turning on an electrical power plant that energizes the electrical wires strung across the land that would in turn illuminate the globe with enlightenment and love as never seen before.

Your Sky Brothers

The Grand Global Expectation

November 20, 2009
  The Jews are waiting for their Messiah.
The Christians are waiting for their Jesus Christ.
The Muslims are waiting for their Mahdi.

In each of these three global faiths there is an expectation that a soul of great power and grace will return to mercifully redeem the human race.

It will not take much time before the enlightened ones, who are one, swirl the differences between the faiths into a unity that all can embrace. It might be likened to swirling Neapolitan ice cream in a blender so that all the flavors and colors blend together into a flavorful milk shake.

Yet for this to happen there will need to be some serious shaking. People will need to be shaken from their religious boxes which have prevented them from seeing the Creator’s grander plans and incomprehensible universes. They must be shaken from their egocentric view of life and embrace the reality that all life is interconnected. Let the shaking begin.

We would like to make a second point, which is that the seed of expectation that there is something grander has been planted within the soul of every human being. It has been expressed on rock walls by mankind’s earliest ancestors. It has been etched on high mountain plateaus like a plea for the enlightened space brothers to return. It has been hobbled together with white stones on the grassy hills of Britannia. These are tangible examples of the crying out from human souls seeking that which is grander than they. Yet the same expectation, the same crying out for that which is grander have been etched in snows that melted, in grasses that withered and in campfires that faded away.

All this has not been for naught for there is a sufficient number of human beings or human souls who have evolved toward the Light and are ready to embrace it more fully. So be not disheartened by all the raging and clamoring of shadowed souls for they shall not prevail and the grand expectations shall be fulfilled.

Your Sky Brothers

Virgin of Guadeloupe statue with the blinking eyes

November 26, 2009:

There are no miracles; there is only that which
is beyond human knowledge and understanding.
As we have explained before, Sky Ships of Light have orchestrated spectacular events with the hope and purpose to uplift the thinking of human beings so they might more readily discover their connection with the Grand Creative Force of the universes.

As we have said, apparitions of holy ones have been projected with holographic technology from the ships. This has not been done to control mankind like a herd of sheep; it has been done to awaken humankind to the grand spiritual reality.

We are repeating ourselves because new viewers to the website peruse the messages superficially and we need to remake this point about holographic imagery. It was used when Glynis Heenan saw the 34.5-foot image of Jesus.

It also is being used to create the illusion of blinking eyes on the Virgin of Guadeloupe statue perched above the spring at Rafael’s and Ydo’s place. Again, we emphasize that this is not trickery to control human behavior; it is an attempt to awaken people to the grander realities and ultimately to embrace the Light of the Grand Creator.

It is now time for the story of the Virgin of Guadeloupe statue to be told beyond the few dozen who know about it now.

Your Sky Brothers

EDITOR’S NOTE: Glynis Heenan’s experience seeing a giant hologram of Jesus and Ydo Yumart’s experiences with the blinking statue of the Virgin of Guadeloupe (also known as Our Lady of Guadeloupe) can be found in the cosmic "miracles" section of this website.

Who's holding up the future?

November 13, 2009:

Those who would read the Sky Ship website have minds shaped by schedules, timetables and atomically accurate time pieces which they wear faithfully and monitor constantly. With such conditioning, they expect prognostications of future events to be revealed with pinpoint accuracy of time and place. That is not the way it is when dealing with human beings on planet Earth. WHY? It is because human beings are erratic variables in the equation used to calculate future events on Earth.

What must be realized is the need for essential individuals, events, spiritual understandings and technological developments to be aligned in a particular order before dramatic revelations can be fulfilled. We will give you one specific example, but it must be realized other individuals and developments must be coming together toward the same center of a grand revelatory plan.

This one example is the President of the United States of America (USA). His credibility throughout the world must be clearly established before certain things are revealed. That is why he has offered himself as a channel of spiritually inspired words of brotherhood. That is why particular individuals were inspired to bestow upon him the Nobel Peace Prize. That is why he is Black rather than another White man from a country viewed as a bully by too many people in the world. That is why he is a person who thoughtfully considers all aspects before taking action. That is why he has the family he has and why he has experienced many cultures before becoming President.

Ironically, it is the most difficult to establish his authenticity with many within his own country. WHY? It is because over recent decades divisiveness has flourished more than unity. It appears that every individual who stands up for peace, justice and truth is lambasted by politicians and media personalities who thrive on criticism and conflict. The unity that brought citizens of the USA together after World War II needs to be brought back.

Again, it is ironic that those within the USA are doing more to delay the revelation of truth, including the reality of extraterrestrial life, than any other nation on the planet. The very ones who want a precise timeline of future events are the ones who are delaying it.

Your Sky Brothers

Entertainment media “BOMB” the Light

November 4, 2009:
  For decades, the entertainment media – radio, movies, television, YouTube – have been used to plant seeds of concern and fear regarding nonhuman life forms.

Even movies like “E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial” were used to manipulate the thinking of the masses so they could be more easily manipulated. Though the movie appeared to be about an ugly but kindhearted and gentle alien, it was created to make people more open to manmade biological robotic beings that have been used for many, many years in nefarious abductions. That movie was a very subtle form of thought manipulation. Since then, there has been an ever-increasing number of media productions portraying nonhuman life forms as evil invaders of Planet Earth.

In an effort to counteract that influence, Dr. Steven Greer’s letter warning the President of the United States has been released to the public. It is hoped that his warning will spread like an Australian wildfire. Because the letter to the President is extremely long, we have directed that the portion addressing the manmade alien hoax be posted on the Sky Ships over Cashiers website (see the article section). We encourage those who read it to copy it and blast it out in all directions.

Though there are relatively few bombs and guns, a battle between Light and Dark is raging. The media remains the biggest weapon in the arsenal of the Dark Forces that are much too close to their goal of ruling the planet without any concern for the masses of human beings, which they regard as annoying vermin to be destroyed or to be used to enhance the lives of the Dark-Hearted Beasts.

Without the influence of Dark-Hearted manipulations, humankind at its core is a noble creation and those of us of the Light wish to protect humankind from being manipulated or devoured by the Beasts of Darkness. That is why so many, many Sky Ships encircle Earth at this time. Darkness simply cannot be permitted to destroy such a beautiful planet nor the gentle souls of Earth.

We express this with great concern and ask all human beings
who embrace the Light to actively participate
in this battle against Darkness.

Your Sky Brothers

The Real Reason for the UFO Cover-up

October 25, 2009:
  Today we are focusing upon questions and concerns in the thoughts of many of those who access the Sky Ships over Cashiers website. First we addressed the subjects of flu, health and population growth. Now we will deal with the subject to be titled “The Real Reason for the UFO Cover-up.”

It is unequivocally true that powerful entities within the U.S. government and military are doing everything possible to keep information about extraterrestrial life from the general population. When confronted by knowledgeable individuals questioning this policy, the standard response has been that mankind could not deal with that reality and that religious institutions would be decimated resulting in chaos and rebellion.

There already is proof that this would not happen. The Vatican, representing a faith that is bound by centuries-old traditions, officially has declared that God has created life forms beyond planet Earth and that they can be thought of as brothers and sisters. With this pronouncement, there have been no Catholics wailing in the streets because of their expansion of reality.

The Vatican also has a powerful telescope of its own and is quite aware of alien vehicles around the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. This, too, has failed to bring Catholics wailing into the streets with fear.

At a much more pedestrian level, science fiction, which often thinly veils cosmic realities, proliferates and draws a large audience especially among the young. They, too, are not to be found wailing in fear.

So let’s get to the real reason for the cover-up. Beginning with Hitler, allegiances have been made between some powerful human leaders and certain alien species which have resisted spiritual evolvement. Both lust for power, control and material comforts and have been willing to sacrifice countless innocent ones for their self-serving purposes. In these alliances, humans provide protected access to Earth for the aliens in exchange for advanced technology. Both wish to rule the Earth.

Even those who operate in darkness know they must hide their dark secrets. In the last 60 years in the United States of America, which professes to be the Land of the Free, far too many people have been intimidated into silence or even killed when they have threatened to reveal the dark underbelly of those seeking to control the world.

This will only stop when those of the Light shine their individual Lights upon the keepers of the secrets within the U.S. government and military; and those of us of the Light in the Heavens will assist and protect each individual who steps out with his flashlight, no matter how puny, and helps expose that which has become a cancer upon the Land of the Free.

We do not foresee an Armageddon like too many people envision, but there is an ongoing battle right now between Light and Dark and everyone is called to bring his or her candle, flashlight or spotlight onto the battlefield. Only then will truth return.

Your Sky Brothers

Flu, Health and Population Growth

October 25, 2009:
  Every year elderly and greatly infirmed individuals die from flu. What has caused consternation this season has been the severity of flu, sometimes resulting in death, among the young who in the past have been the most resilient to flu viruses.

There basically are two reasons for this. The first, and most sinister, is that the widespread use of vaccinations has greatly debilitated the immune systems of those receiving so many inoculations. The youngest ones in your world today, as a general rule, have received more immune-busting immunizations than the generations before them.

The second reason the young ones are so vulnerable is that they too frequently lack proper nutrition which is required to build strong bodies and hearty immune systems. This is the result of a much too hurried lifestyle where families eat on the run and satisfy their hunger with quick and easy foods devoid of true nutrition.

There are many other factors contributing to the degradation of human health, specifically polluted water and air that have become filled with particulate and chemical debris as well as various electro-magnetic waves of negative energy. Human society must diligently work to rectify these conditions.

Finally, those among you who have knowledge and power must find ways to stop the self-serving power mongers at the top of the human condition from further carrying out their plans to heartlessly bring down the world’s population like madmen with sickles in their hands. There are more humane ways of encouraging human beings to reduce the population growth which, indeed, is uncontrolled at this time.

This message is quite different from those given before because of the concerns that disturb so many human beings during an acknowledge time of chaos on the planet.

Your Sky Brothers

Why should Earth be saved?

October 4, 2009:

  Through the eye of the grand telescopic camera in the sky, it has been revealed to mankind that the planets encircling the Sun are either cold, desolate and without life or they rage with fires that extinguish the possibility of life.

The one exception is Earth which stands out as a beautiful blue and white marble teaming with enormous variations of living, breathing creations. That is why so many intelligent species of life from other regions of the universe have congregated in, on and around Earth. They know Earth is a life-giving treasure trove that cannot be allowed to extinguish. Humankind should take great comfort in knowing this.

While it is true that some alien species wish to conquer and dominate Earth, there are more that operate with universal ethics. In order to assist those alien species with virtue, humankind must call in the energy of the Grand Creator and His Emissaries of Light. The more individuals actively doing this through prayerful meditation the smoother will be the upward transformation of Earth and its inhabitants.

It is quite puzzling that so many people professing a belief in God or the Grand Creator keep holding on to thoughts and images of a catastrophic end-time scenario. Such thinking and belief systems truly block the flow of love and hope and transformation that the Grand Creator wishes to bestow upon Earth and all its residents. We beseech humankind to help bring in the transformation rather than inhibiting it.

This message is coming through on behalf of all the
Emissaries of the Grand Creator.

A Message for Earth Scientists

September 28, 2009:


There have been countless Earth scientists throughout the ages who have spoken with conviction and authority regarding their theories. It would be quite an investigative feat to compile a list of those who have proven to be starkly wrong.

Such scientists have with great conviction and authority drilled holes in people’s heads to relieve headaches and used leeches to drain off bad blood. Today even school children know this is faulty science.

Today scientists must be humble about their theories on the time and space, space travel, black holes, etc., etc. We assure you that even Einstein, who has been placed upon a pedestal of scientific virtue, was limited in his calculations.

Today scientists with conviction and authority aim radio frequencies and attempt to receive radio frequencies from civilizations that no longer communicate in that way. What a waste of effort.

Scientists with conviction and authority launch their space probes with combustible energy sources that are as primitive as the Model T Ford is to mankind today.

In order for Earth and humankind to progress more speedily, a working partnership must be established between Earth scientists and their counterparts on the Sky Ships who have come to Earth to assist with its transformation. This requires that Earth scientists step outside their boxes of antiquated theories and be open to the technical and spiritual information we stand ready to impart.

Your Sky Ship Scientists

September 25, 2009: Hubble photographs of the universe
If everyone were to contemplate or meditate upon the Hubble photographs of the universe, they would realize the Creator is truly beyond human comprehension. That is why Angels and advanced Beings of Light are emissaries of the Creator to humankind.

While personal Guardian Angels easily can be comprehended, the Grander Angels also remain beyond full comprehension of humankind. Even Grander Physical Beings of Light from realms of higher vibrational frequencies are not fully understood, even when they manifest in human form which would be their least complicated expressions of themselves.

With all this pointed out, let it be known that human beings can be so much more than they are and can understand so much more than they do by truly quieting their minds and then contemplating or meditating with the intention of grasping more of the spiritual reality that fills the universes. That is why the Great Ones of Earth have said that one must go within to discover that which is without. Such discoveries will not be made with the Hubble telescope, but that which the Hubble telescope reveals can be a meditative key to unlocking the door to the incomprehensible.

Humankind remains too distracted with the busyness of life and fewer and fewer human beings are taking quiet meditative time to uplift themselves to a higher vibrational frequency. This is more important than people know.


We speak on behalf of all your Elder Brothers and Sisters of Light.
for more about the Top 10 Hubble photos, click here
SOHO Photo of Grandmother Sky Ship

August 18, 2009:
Photo by SOHO
  We would like to bring forth the image of a traditional egg-shaped Russian doll that fits in the palm of a hand. It is painted with intricacy and given a heavy coating of glaze. Most importantly, it divides at the midline into two halves revealing a duplicate of itself only slightly smaller. That one too can be opened revealing a still smaller duplicate. In a similar way, a grandmother sky ship contains mother ships that contain scout ships.

» . . read more in the "Photos" section of this website
Evolving Purpose of Sky Ship Website

August 11, 2009:


This website began as a reporting center for unusual aerial phenomena. Then it expanded as a center for information regarding the significance of the phenomena and the various realities of the phenomena. It was pointed out quite clearly that there are Sky Ships of Light or of God and those that are of the dark and totally self-serving.

Then the website took a significant turn to the right and the Light of God making it quite clear that the Sky Ships of Light are playing a most significant role in the spiritual uplifting of mankind.

Because God is so vast and so beyond human comprehension, His loving guidance must be expressed through angels, beings and spirits of Light. This must be kept in mind when reading holy books or spiritual books from any culture.

In India the Vimana were the spiritual Sky Ships of ancient India. In the Middle East the Sky Ships were participants in the Hebrew Exodus and the Commandments given to Moses. In the British Isles, the Sky Ships were the inspiration for the construction of Stonehenge. In the Appalachian Mountains the native peoples learned of their star origins through those who arrived in Sky Ships of Light. These are just a few examples of Sky Ship participation in the spiritual uplifting of mankind from around the globe.

With this brief overview stated, we now wish to make it quite clear that the emphasis of our messages will be upon the blending of cosmic science with cosmic spirituality because the two together are the true reality.

Before holographic imagery was understood by earth scientists, spiritual imagery used to teach mankind was regarded as miraculous apparitions. Today, the educated ones amongst you can understand that such imagery is projected into your world to teach and enlighten you. This is like a teacher in a classroom using a movie projector to teach the class.

Though these images now can be scientifically understood, it is important that mankind knows that the spiritual teachers onboard the Sky Ships of Light are the ones projecting these images. There will be more of these projected teaching images and while they will continue to be viewed by the masses as miraculous, they are quite explainable when one has enough scientific understanding.

The Emissaries of God
Onboard the Command Ship

via M&E

Future Not Chiseled in Marble Slabs

July 19, 2009:


While we through these messages are pulling back the curtain so mankind can see the ever-expanding reality of the universe, we caution humankind not to hang its hopes and dreams upon hooks of prophesied times.

“Mayan prophecies and Planet X prophecies buzz through the global net of communication and disturb the minds of men.”
In an earlier transmission, we pointed out that a Hopi prophesied event already has missed its appointed time. Now, we would like to point out that Marian prophecies for the End of the Time were quite intense in the 19th and 20th centuries and so many of those pointed to an End of Time before the 21st century. Once again doom and gloom prophecies have proven to be inaccurate.

Today, through the vastness of communication via the computer system, which contains the Earth like a fisherman’s net covers a Japanese fishing ball, Mayan prophecies and Planet X prophecies buzz through the global net of communication and disturb the minds of men. These mental disturbances are like gray static images on a television screen inhibiting the tuning in of a clear, bright picture.

It is essential that mankind realize that the future is always ever-evolving and never chiseled in unchanging marble slabs of time. Therefore, if mankind wishes to have a brighter future the channel of fear must be switched to a clear channel of hope.

Prophecies are only guideposts and may or may not indicate the future depending totally upon the way in which mankind chooses to focus its energies. Mankind must change the station and tune into hope and light and love instead of fear and dread. The power of thought is enormous and we ask mankind to focus upon solutions, answers and hope.

                                      Your Sky Brothers

Miracles and Holograms

July 18, 2009:

  Miracles are only miracles
when the universe is not fully understood.

For example, much that was incomprehensible now can be understood by those scientists who have delved into quantum physics and nano-technology, but in this message we wish to focus upon miracles of a classic kind which a great many people have heard or read about.

“Sky Ships of Light are able to project hologram imagery for the eyes of men to see. This is now larger than life images of holy ones have appeared to mankind.”
It is important to interject, however, that an explanation of miracles does not negate in anyway the creative forces of the universe nor the angels, beings or spirits of Light which provide the connecting link between the incomprehensible power of the Creator and the children of Earth.

With this message, we have chosen to focus exclusively upon the miracles of apparitions because they have been used throughout mankind’s history to awaken individuals to the majesty of creation and the realms of Light which step by step lead to an understanding of the Creator just as steps on a pyramid lead to the pinnacle.

Sky Ships of Light are able to project hologram imagery for the eyes of men to see. This is how larger than life images of holy ones have appeared to mankind.

It was through holograms that the trifecta of apparitions of the Virgin Mary occurred in recent centuries. We speak of the miraculous appearance of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Garabandal and Medjugorje. Of course, there have been many others, but those three are well known to the Western cultures. Other holy ones have appeared to those of other faiths and cultures but the length of our transmission must be contained so we do not exceed the attention span of those upon the Earth we wish to enlighten.

With this transmission serving as an introduction, we hereby request that Glynis hologram experience from several months ago be shared in the cosmic "miracles"section of this website.

                                      Your Sky Brothers

Celestial Ships in the Stratosphere

June 25, 2009:

If every name for Yeshua were a two-inch swath of cloth neatly stitched into a holy garment, it would trail off behind him like an endless bridal gown. Indeed, it would be too heavy to wear and the names too numerous to remember for every culture around the globe has honored him with a special name.

The Indians of the Far East called him Isa, but in the Western Hemisphere every tribe bestowed upon him a name of honor. The Hopi called him Mahnt Azoma but in English he often was called The Healer, The Miracle Worker, The Prophet, The Pale God.

Two millennia ago as the Creator’s representative to all of humankind, he appeared to all cultures of people, not just those in a spot of land to the east of the Mediterranean Sea. He did this to uplift and enlighten all who inhabited the Earth. He taught them to look up and to look inward to find the source of all creation.

The remnants of his words, like a torn asunder garment, are scattered like leaves for all to ponder. Too many among humankind fail to heed those teachings. Because of that, the Earth is convulsing and gasping and praying for help for both itself and all the species living within it and upon it. It is true that the Creator has sent legions of Light Beings to the Earth at this time to save the planet and redeem as many as possible who walk upon the Earth.

Though this ambassadorial representative of the Creator lives in what mankind perceives as its future, he has returned again to mankind’s present time and operates from a grand celestial sphere within Earth’s stratosphere. From that Celestial Sphere of State, he directs the Legions of Light in a grand effort to save the planet, to save the life forms within and upon it and to rid the dark forces that have been sucking the life of the Creator out of the Earth and its inhabitants.

Information, inspiration and guidance are being broadcast from the Celestial Ship of State unceasingly and it is essential that those of Light walking upon the Earth deliberately tune in for that guidance.

It is essential that science and spiritual enlightenment be blended into one cohesive approach to living. Those in religious boxes must bust down the walls of their containment and realize that their great ones like Yeshua and Buddha were and are enlightened ambassadors of the Creator who have come from Earth man’s future to help mankind now; and those behind the telescopes and super-sized cameras must break down their planetarium walls to embrace the reality that enlightened ambassadors of the Creator have arrived in Celestial Ships.

This meshing of two realities is essential at this time. The men of science cannot hesitate to speak of the spiritual and those of religion cannot deny the reality of God’s ambassadors arriving in Celestial Ships.

Let it be known that in his life as Yeshua he was raised up in such a ship.

Let it be known that such a ship brought the precepts of a worthy life to Moses.

Let it be known that broadcasts from celestial ships long have been heard by those within the desert kivas and the high mountain top temples of Tibet.

Science and spirituality must come together for the Creator works in both realms
and mankind’s redemption depends on the melding of the two.

The Creator’s Ambassador
the one with many names

May 31, 2009:
  We would like to begin by explaining a mystery that is perplexing your scientists. With the advent of the telescope, scientists soon began to recognize a pattern in the ebb and flow of solar storms which roughly cycle from peaks to lows every 11 years. Presently that cycle has been broken and scientists wonder why.

One reason is because sky ships from many, many civilization centers in the universe have gathered in the Earth’s upper atmosphere during this groundbreaking moment of transition for Earth and its inhabitants. In order to accomplish what must be done, the Sun has been subdued so that solar storms or solar flares will not interfere with electromagnetic energies.

If this were not done, communication with those on Earth would be exceedingly difficult. If this were not done, geological upheavals would be much more devastating. So, yes, we have it within our power to control the inner workings of your Sun and that we are deliberating doing at this time.

• Next we would like to explain what your advanced military scientists already know – that the atmosphere of Earth is swarming with sky ships from many, many civilization centers within Earth’s universal neighborhood.

There is a battle between two forces that wish to dominate the Earth. In figurative imagery, King Arthur and his knights lead the charge for the Forces of Light. While they dominate the battlefield, they are challenged by the figurative Klingons of Darkness. Earth’s military, with its goggles that would have been considered magical during the reign of King Arthur, can witness the battles in the upper atmosphere.

The many conflicts and wars upon Planet Earth are a reflection of the turmoil above. You can count on the figurative King Arthur and his knights to fight unceasingly for Right and Light, but we plead with those of Light upon the Earth to be just a diligent in their battles to bring Light to the planet.

• Next we would like to explain what has been dubbed the “blue moon” phenomenon that appears when digital cameras are zoomed in upon the Sun. This is the grandmother of all mother ships currently in Earth’s grander atmosphere. It also is the command center for the Forces of Light. Most of the time this blue moon is hidden in the brilliance of the Sun, but for certain ones, it will perform for their cameras. Because of the blue moon’s higher frequency, it appears translucent, but through more advanced energy methods, the blue moon also can appear, though it be an illusion, smaller, then larger. So that this blue moon cannot be dismissed as an optical camera effect, mother ships will gather around the grandmother ship just so Earth scientists will be unable to dismiss what they see as camera effects.

• Next we will explain the photo that inspired the Sky Ships over Cashiers website. A small scout ship, while staying in alignment with the Sun, zoomed close to the Earth so it could be captured digitally by a child’s cellphone camera. It was easy to inspire a child’s mind to snap the picture. Of course, all this was done quite deliberately.

That is enough explaining for one day. We often sign off as your Sky Brothers, but today in keeping with this message, we wish to sign off as King Arthur and His Knights.

                                       via M&E

April 10, 2009

The Sky Ships Over Cashiers website began as a way to report unusual sightings and, whenever possible, to post photos of those sightings. Now it is coming into focus that more than simple sightings are at work in the mountains of Western North Carolina.

Glynis Heenan, who had never seen a Sky Ship before June 28, 2008, has grown from a happenstance observer to one who can receive telepathic direction guiding her to an increasing number of sightings. From there, she has graduated to the beam-me-up-Scotty realm.

Twice she has observed a materialization of what she calls a spaceman who appeared in a maroon bodysuit and had the shape and height of a human being. In both cases, she was unable to see the spaceman’s face. While both incidents at first startled her, that immediately gave way to an overwhelming sense of peace.

As her curiosity grew, she began to ask in quiet meditation to be allowed to see the spaceman’s face. When that prayer was answered, she found herself looking into the loving and compassionate eyes of the one known to the world as Yeshua or Jesus. In an instant, she understood that God knows all things past and future and that the Son who was sent to Earth also was from the future as perceived by human beings.

It was the ships of the future that guided the Wisemen to the birthplace of Yeshua.
It was the ships from the future that brought God’s emissaries to Moses upon the mountain top. Those emissaries of God etched upon stone the guiding principles which are known today as The Ten Commandments.
It was the emissaries of God in shiny ships that interacted with Ezekiel. Human beings are to be encouraged to read the Book of Ezekiel with new eyes.
It was the emissaries of God in shiny ships that raised Yeshua up into the heavens and later set him down again with His disciples after the Crucifixion.

It must be explained at this point that God’s energy is too vast and powerful to interact directly with human beings so throughout human history messengers of God, or angels of God or emissaries of God have conveyed His guidance and direction to mankind.

To use an analogy, human beings are like ants in the sand at the feet of God. He sees and hears each one of them but cannot speak directly to them or they would quite literally be blown away. Therefore, God has always used angels, or messengers or emissaries to communicate with His Earth children.

The photos taken by Mary Joyce of a rose cross in the sky were posted for the world to see on Palm Sunday. On the evening of the Jewish Seder and the Maundy Thursday celebration of the Last Supper, Glynis was guided to the Good Shepherd church in Cashiers and after the service was able to capture with her camera a glowing presence at the altar.

Today, known as Good Friday, these words are being dictated from above from the one who is the ambassador to the Earth and wishes to uplift mankind in understanding of God the Creator and His endless effort to spiritually uplift His Children of Earth.


Note: Related photos can be seen in the photo section of this website.
Correcting Earth’s Axis and Restoring Planet

March 2, 2009:

Space Brothers from many worlds are endeavoring to slowly right the Earth on its axis so that cataclysmic consequences will not result. Yes, such cataclysmic events have occurred in the past but they can be prevented from happening again. We, your Space Brothers are working on that with great diligence because we wish to restore the planet for all life forms – both residential and visitatorial.

At this time, mankind is incapable of restoring the planet to its proper rotation so assistance is being provided. Mankind, however, has the capacity to rectify the countless human abuses to the Earth. All efforts to do this are being encouraged and inspired by the higher realms. Each individual can assist with this. At the very least, each one can minimize the pollution he or she personally generates as well as reducing personal energy consumption. It is essential that individuals in every community come together to bring forth green technology.

It also would be helpful for each individual to encourage political and corporation leaders to do their jobs and lead the Green Parade of Change. Every individual is capable of writing letters and e-mails to appropriate leaders. Do not chastise those leaders but encourage them to do what is right.

Earth is a leaky ship and everyone on board must do his or her part to keep it afloat.


Let this be a call to action.

- Your Space Brothers

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following came through after many people asked how the Sky Ship messages were received.

February 19, 2009:

  The Creator, which is far beyond human comprehension, depends upon messengers of Light, whether they be angels, space brothers or spirits of Light, to provide essential communication to mankind.

All around the globe, there are certain human beings who, for various reasons, are more able to receive such messages. The one who has received the Sky Ship messages is not one who has performed like a channeler on stage nor gets remuneration for her efforts. Yet, through her, significant messages have been provided to those who have leadership in a wide array of human endeavors.

Since 1987, the messages have been typed, often in letter form, and sent to unsung heroes in many fields as well as presidents, kings, queens, military generals and media moguls. Always it is the messages that must stand on their own merits, but even the great ones have sometimes been touched deeply enough to respond to the spiritually dictated letters.

Today, it is essential that truth comes out about other life forms and that the diabolical activities of governments be exposed. Religious beliefs must also be corrected. The Sky Ship website is just part of the global effort to bring truth to mankind.

-- A Messenger of Light

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Sky Ships Over Cashiers
P.O. Box 742
Cashiers, NC 28717